2007 years zhong cha brand raw uncooked Yunnan Pu-erh square Tea 100g
Origin : Yunnan, China
Grade : good ,It means that, though not the top (best). But it is also of high quality and high-grade.
State : Raw, Uncooked
Ingredients: 100% Organic Puer tea leaves
Net Weight: 100g/pc
Product date: 2007 Year.
Taste : This Pu erh Tea liquid is a bright orange colour with a pure fragrance and a strong and mellow flavour. An after-taste later developed.
Storage : Keep this Pu erh Tea in an airtight container and store in a cool, dry place avoiding direct sunlight. (The longer it stores the mellower and more valuable it becomes).
PS: In the early days, tea production was not standardized enough, so it was not like the new tea brick now, which was wrapped with two layers of cotton paper. So when opening the package, there may be slight loose edges and drops. This is a product of a specific historical period. Please know.
普洱方茶 茶条肥壮 重实匀整
毫尖显美 茶汤清澈 滋味醇厚
香高回甜 经久耐泡 礼茶上品
干茶:条索肥嫩,金毫显露,厚薄均匀 模文清晰
