BESUNYEN DETOX TEA Skinny Fit Detox Tea Herb Healthy Tea Weight Loss 62.5g
Origin: China
Net Weight: 62.5g ,(2.2 oz) 2.5g x 25 bags.
Type: Tea Bag
Packaging: Box
Manufacture: BESUNYEN
The tea can continue to promote intestinal secretion secrete to soften dry adhesion on the intestinal wall and make them drop off and excrete smoothly.
It is help to moisture and repair the intestinal damage through the biological components.
Drink a week you will be able to feel the protective film in the intestinal wall is being built,and creep strength increased.
The product suitable for all types of constipation symptoms, including refractory constipation (including diabetes, constipation) have significant effect.
The long-term drinking can change "dry astringent-type constitution" conditioner for healthy "moisture-type constitution."
Green tea, root of straight ladybell, china root, yam, semen cassiae, etc.
Bi Sheng Yuan Enteric canal-Cleaning Tea can effective remove intestinal stool and all kinds of toxins,
that apply to relieve all types of constipation and clear stain and halitosis causing by constipation.
Package: 2.5g*25bags
Valid: 20 months, always New Produce Date Update
Pour boiling water of 100ml before meal and pour boiling water of 100 ml after meal and then drink when it is hot.
Adult have one bag a day,
pregnant woman and child have less dosage according to the situation. Constipation patient have dosag according to the the
Taking one bag a day if you stool for 2-3 days;
Taking two bags a day if you stool for 4-6 days;
Taking three bags a day if you stool once a week

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