Matcha Latte-Green Tea Powder Shelf Stable Detox Destress Authentic Slimming
Matcha Latte-Green Tea Powder Shelf Stable Detox Destress Authentic Slimming
Regular price
$15.00 USD
Regular price
$18.00 USD
Sale price
$15.00 USD
Unit price
緑茶は、生のお茶の葉を発酵させずに製造した【不発酵茶】での総称で、緑茶の中に「煎茶」「抹茶」「玉露」「番茶」「ほうじ茶」などがあります。つまり「抹茶」は、数ある緑茶のうちの1つになります。 「抹茶」も「煎茶」も元は同じお茶の木(同じ抹茶や煎茶でも価格によって品種の違いはあります)ですが、栽培方法と製法が異なります。 「抹茶」は、お茶の葉を摘む前に黒いシートなどで数十日間被せて日光を遮る「覆下栽培」と呼ばれる栽培技術を用います。日光を遮ると渋みの元とされるカテキンの生成が抑えられ、旨み成分のテアニンが増えるのでまろやかな風味のお茶ができます 配送予定 2~3日以内に発送予定(店舗休業日を除く) ※注文個数によりお届け日が変わることがあります ※ 商品の色合いは、ご使用のモニターや環境によって多少異なる場合があります。また、茶道具全般に関して、ひとつひとつ手作業で仕上げる伝統工芸品の為、風合いや模様の出方が1点1点全て異なりますので、あらかじめご了承ください Feature: 1-Natural Weight Loss Supplement-This appetite suppressant for weight loss for women.These men's and women's weight loss oils are the extra thrust needed on the way to weight loss 2- Metabolism Booster For Weight Loss-Our supplements can be used as exercise supplements for men and women and have the ability to promote metabolism. Our key fat burner ingredients are stronger, can promote metabolic function! 3-100% Pure Organic ketogenic Matcha Green Tea Powder-Pure shade green tea matcha powder-no pesticides or harmful fertilizers. 4- Create Magical Ketogenic Matcha Recipes-Cooking grade matcha is an economical way to add delicious, healthy refreshment to lattes, smoothies, baked goods and other dishes. 5-Healthy Super Food-Ketogenic Matcha is rich in antioxidants and is an excellent source of natural energy and mental clarity. 6-Rich In Vitamins And Caffeine-Ketogenic matcha powder can improve visual fatigue, excite the nerves, and play a refreshing role. It is also rich in vitamin C, which is a natural oxidant. How to drink/eat? Matcha is suitable for the application of tea beverage (e.g. iced tea, pure tea, fruit tea,milk tea) as basic raw material or as food additive for cake,candy and chocolate etc. |