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Pu-erh tea,2009,嘉木新秀 Jiamu rookie,357g,Raw

Pu-erh tea,2009,嘉木新秀 Jiamu rookie,357g,Raw

Regular price $40.00 USD
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選用瀾滄江中游無量山系海拔2000米左右、無污染源的大葉種茶芽葉作原料,秉承大理國皇室用茶指定雲州茶坊之制作工藝和現代科技相結合精制而成。其生茶外形色澤墨綠、香氣清純持久、滋味濃醇回甘、湯色黃綠清亮,葉底肥厚黃綠。The large-leaf tea buds and leaves of the Wuliang mountain system in the middle reaches of the Lancang River are selected as raw materials with an altitude of about 2,000 meters and no pollution sources. It is refined by adhering to the production technology of Yunzhou teahouse designated by the royal family of Dali and modern technology. The shape of raw tea is dark green, the aroma is pure and long-lasting, the taste is mellow and sweet, the soup color is yellow-green and clear, and the bottom of the leaves is thick and yellow-green.

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