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Taiwan unique tea,Oolong tea,Medium Roasting,150g*4

Taiwan unique tea,Oolong tea,Medium Roasting,150g*4

Regular price $124.00 USD
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品名:凍頂烏龍茶 中焙





1.      凍頂烏龍茶為中度發酵中度烘焙之部分發酵茶類,屬於焙香型球形烏龍茶。其製程為:茶菁經日光萎凋、室內萎凋及攪拌、殺菁、初乾、團揉、乾燥及烘焙,其外觀緊結成球形,色澤墨綠油潤,水色金黃明亮,香氣濃郁具焙火香,滋味醇厚、喉韻佳,飲後回韻無窮,而凍頂茶原產於南投縣鹿谷鄕,現今其產製技術已經擴展到南投縣竹山鎮、名間鄉及臺灣其他茶區。

2.      為避免改版頻繁,出茶時以當年或前一年茶為主,保證是該地生產,適飲期內。

3.      該茶品系公版包裝。

1. Dongding Oolong tea is a partially fermented tea that is moderately fermented and moderately roasted. It is a roasted-flavored spherical oolong tea. The process is as follows: withering tea leaves in the sun, indoor withering and stirring, killing tea leaves, initial drying, kneading, drying and baking. Its appearance is tightly kneaded into a spherical shape, its color is dark green and oily, its water color is golden and bright, and its aroma is rich and roasted. It has a mellow taste, good throat rhyme, and endless aftertaste after drinking. Dongding tea is originally produced in Lugulu, Nantou County. Now its production technology has been extended to Zhushan Town, Mingjian Township, Nantou County, and other tea areas in Taiwan.

2. In order to avoid frequent revisions, teas from the current year or the previous year are mainly used to ensure that they are produced in the local area and are suitable for drinking.

3. This tea strain comes in public version packaging.

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